Portable Solar Powered Desalination


In 2018, Moerk Water was approached by Murdoch University to develop a portable solar powered seawater desalination system. The system, which fits into two man-portable crates, consists of the water treatment unit, the pre-filtration system and the solar power system. Moerk Water and Murdoch University staff travelled with the portable unit to show the wide range of applications ranging from disaster relief and remote community water supply to camping and the supplementation of water supplies for out of the way tourist resorts. Moerk Water also used the portable unit to run training sessions and to showcase how membrane filtration technology could be operated using renewable power. In 2018, Moerk Water had the opportunity to showcase the portable unit to the then Foreign Minister, the Honorable Julie Bishop MP.



  • In 2018, Moerk Water developed a portable solar powered reverse osmosis unit
  • The unit has a range of applications including remote resorts and communities
  • Moerk Water used the portable unit to run training sessions including with local and international university students. 
  • Moerk Water also used the unit as a showcase and demonstrated its use to the Foreign Minister, the honorable Julie Bishop MP



“Clean water, clean drinking water and sanitation are necessities of life, water is a fundamental resource and the UN Sustainable Development Goal number 6 aims for access for ALL to water and sanitation, that’s how important it is in underpinning sustainable communities and the reduction of poverty. When Barbara and Martin told me about this technology, I was very keen to see it and I can envisage how this system deployed throughout the Pacific, East Africa, the Indian Ocean will change lives.” – Honorable Julie Bishop MP former Foreign Minister of Australia and current Chancellor of Australian National University

  • Capability Tourism and Resorts, Community Water Independence
  • Feedwater Sea Water
  • Water Quality Red Flags Salinity
  • Primary Water Treatment Membrane Desalination
  • Project Outcomes