March 06, 2024

The inaugural Connected by Water Conference and Exhibition was held at the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre in Perth, Western Australia from the 28th February to 1st March 2024. This event, which brings together stakeholders from the water sector including industry, government, utilities and universities, focusses on strategies and technologies that enable the sustainable management of water.

Across the three days of the event, Moerk Water talked to delegates from sectors about the wide range of sustainable water treatment solutions that we offer. On the first day of the conference, Dr Mat Francis, Moerk Water’s Director of Water Chemistry, presented a talk on solar powered seawater desalination systems in Pacific Island Countries. Across the exhibit, Moerk Water fielded queries from the agriculture, utility, power, mining and hospitality industries.

Moerk Water would like to thank everyone who helped make the conference such a success particularly the Australian Water Association.