We join Pamoja Zanzibar in welcoming their newest water supply service technician to this highly successful team.
John Mhina (rear, second from left), Head of Service Technicians at Pamoja Zanzibar, was the first person trained by Moerk Water Solutions back in November 2011 when the first plant was installed. He is joined here by Wayne Sanders, (far right), Head of Water Department at Pamoja Zanzibar and the rest of this enthusiastic and skilled team.
“The people here are excited when I tell them
we work with clean water machines.
Their face lights up and they always say,
‘Oh this is so good, we need clean water!’”
Wayne Sanders, Head of Water Department, Pamoja Zanzibar
A key strategy Moerk Water implements along with installation is the training of local people to service and maintain their water treatment plants.
In Zanzibar, Moerk Water Solutions partnered with Pamoja Zanzibar for five years to equip their team to provide life-giving water to their own communities as well as the Lighthouse Eye Clinic in Kenya. This outstanding team is now responsible for operating and maintaining ten machines ranging from a 100 l/h plant up to a 2000 l/h plant in Zanzibar and Kenya, providing safe drinking water every day for more than 10,000 people in hotels, communities and hospitals on these remote islands.
Giving ownership of their clean water supply to local people provides them with jobs, keeps the cost of water low and its expenditure in the local community, and actively engages the community in its own water supply.