A cattle farm north east of Perth used dams to supply cattle with water and for spraying. The water quality was poor and the supply from the dams was reliant on regular rainfall. The only available groundwater at the farm was brackish so membrane filtration was required to get the water to a potable standard. In 2018, Moerk Water designed, constructed and commissioned an automated brackish water desalination unit. The initial installation supplied enough water for the cattle and for spraying. Due to the success and reliability of the initial unit, Moerk Water were hired to increase the capacity to allow for the herd size to be increased. The reliability of Moerk Water units is largely due to the quality parts used combined with Australian-German engineering. Due to the overall success of the farm following the water supply being secured, the farmer was able to sell his second business and focus solely on the farm. Moerk Water stay in touch with the farmer regularly to ensure the unit is still operating well.
Project Outcomes:
- A farm in Western Australia required water for a cattle herd and for spraying
- Moerk Water provided an automated membrane filtration system
- Following success of the initial installation, the water treatment unit was upgraded with additional capacity
- With the water supply secured, the farmer has been able to increase the size of his herd