Moerk Water Analysis

The most efficient way to diagnose your water & to ensure a long-term cost-effective water treatment is by getting started with a Moerk Water analysis.


Gain absolute clarity of your water situation

Water analysis is the first very important step in determining what the cause or causes water supply problems. That’s why we offer this cost-effective service to ensure we can then find the right solution for your needs without wasting time or money.

If you’re reading this, chances are you’ve been having some issues with your water supply. It may not be a simple problem, but it can be remedied through some strategic action. When it comes to water it may be tempting to find ‘quick-fixes’ (like carting, taking advantage of government distribution, or settling for sub-par water) or to just try looking for a better water source.

The best approach is to investigate the water quality of the sources you do have and see what your treatment options are before you write-it-off and look elsewhere – particularly if it is a large volume of water or a high-yielding supply. In recent years, fit-for-purpose water treatment technology has become a lot more cost-effective and it is worth exploring your options. There are fairly inexpensive solutions for taking out things like mud, suspended solids, colloids, iron and manganese.

  • Identify issues in your water supply
  • Get clarity around your treatment options
  • Expert data-driven advice on your best course of action
  • Cost-benefit analysis of your different treatment options
  • A clear action plan if you want to move forward with water treatment

Get in touch with one of our water specialists today.

Contact us

What’s Included In A Moerk Water Anaylsis?

Water Sampling Kit

3 x Sampling Bottles
1 x Freezer Block
1 x Polystyrene Esky
1 x Chain of Custody Form (required by the lab)
1 x Instructional Letter from Moerk Water

Moerk Water Analysis

A detailed analysis report about your water that is made up of 35 different analytes. This is explained to you by our specialised engineering team.

water treatment consultation

A water treatment consultation call/Zoom meeting with our technical team to discuss the treatment strategies we would recommend based on the water chemistry of your sample


Order Water Sampling Kit

For a meaningful water analysis report, it is important that you test for the full suite of relevant analytes (we call this the “Moerk Suite”). It is also important that you collect a high-quality water sample. To ensure the integrity of the sample there a few things to consider: Feel free to go through this process yourself, contact the lab and pay for the bottles to be sent to you, however, if you would like this as done-for-you as possible then we can send you a Water Sampling Kit and run the Moerk Water Analysis that reveals all the necessary water treatment parameters.

Take Water Sample

Use chemically lined fit-for-purpose sampling bottles provided by a NATA-approved lab to collect the samples. If this isn’t an option, a less-than-ideal compromise is to empty out a previously unopened 1.5L plastic bottle of water and take the sample immediately after that. Let the water flow for at least 10 minutes before taking the sample, and if taking a sample from a dam/surface water, try to collect the water from a more central point and below the surface. Keep the sample chilled in an esky/container while couriering the sample to the lab.

Post Samples To Lab

Deliver the sample to the lab within 48 hours (ideally 24 hours) to ensure its accuracy (the chemical composition of the water may alter over time).

Lab Analysis

Once your sample has arrived at the lab it typically takes a week for us to receive your results which includes A detailed analysis report about your water that is made up of 35 different analytes.

Results Consultation

Once we receive your analysis results our team goes through them in detail. We then send the results through to you and schedule a time to go over its details with you, after this you will have clarity on the water quality specifics and our prescribed treatment recommendations. Typically these consultations go for 5-20 minutes depending on the quality of the water, the level of detail you want us to go into, and how many questions you may have.


From there we can consider your situation, identify your options and collaboratively come up with a potential water strategy with you.


Water comes from a wide range of sources in every country, with some more plentiful than others. Our treatment plants are individually designed to meet the specific requirements to create a supply of water that is safe for drinking or use in commercial and industrial situations. Moerk’s water treatment technology can convert a wide range of water types, including sea water, brackish water and contaminated water into safe drinking water that meets World Health Organisation water quality standards. Our primary treatment method utilises solar-powered desalination systems (reverse osmosis).

Ground Water

The best way to treat contaminated groundwater is to pump it through one of our specially designed groundwater treatment systems that can clean ground and surface water. The cleaned water can then be put back into the ground or stored for immediate use, which allows stakeholders to get the most out of their water assets. ... Read More Read Less

Sea Water

Desalination treatment plants are one of our most sought-after systems. Our membrane systems are designed to remove salt and almost all other water contaminants through the process of reverse osmosis. It’s a tried and tested method that we have adapted to be transportable to even the remotest locations as well as adaptable to any scale and completely self sustaining. ... Read More Read Less

Fresh Water

Just because water is fresh, does not mean it is fit for purpose. Moerk’s specialist team can provide water consultancy services, then use the results to advise on the best treatment solution to ensure your fresh water supply is free of contaminants, including bacteria, parasites and viruses, as well as particles. The result is water that is not only safe for human consumption but for use in your specific situation. ... Read More Read Less

Surface Water

Surface water, including rivers, dams and stream, is extremely vulnerable to contamination by pollutants including chemicals, bacteria, parasites and viruses. Like ground water, it can be easily treated and made safe for use by our specially designed treatment systems. ... Read More Read Less

Bore Water

Bore water can contain high levels of minerals including sodium, calcium, magnesium, potassium, chloride, bicarbonate, and iron. This not only makes it unsafe for human and animal consumption, but also for irrigation. Moerk’s water treatment technology can turn bore water into a safe, useful asset. ... Read More Read Less

Dam Water

Dam water, like other surface water sources, is vulnerable to contamination from ground runoff, pollution, contamination by human and animal waste as well as algal blooms. Our expert engineers can design a dam water treatment system that will enable you to use dam water safely for agriculture and stock. ... Read More Read Less

Brackish Water

Brackish water may have lower salt levels that sea water but is still unsuitable for use in agriculture or for stock to drink. Moerk’s desalination technology, encompassing reverse osmosis, provides a simple to use, reliable solution to brackish water. Our team can design and construct a system that will convert brackish water to a useful resource. ... Read More Read Less

Creek Water

Creek water, like dam and river water, is prone to pollution from runoff, human and animal waste, chemicals, bacteria, parasites and viruses. We can design and build a treatment system to suit your specific needs and convert creek water into a clean, safe water source. ... Read More Read Less

River Water

Rivers are an extremely valuable source of water for agricultural use. But they are also easily contaminated by debris, runoff, pollution, bacteria and parasites, as well as human and animal waste. We can help you to make this most of this resource through water treatment technology that will remove contaminants. ... Read More Read Less

Saline Water

Saline water is easily treatable using one of our desalination treatment systems. Our membrane systems easily remove salt using reverse osmosis. Our engineers can help you to choose the right saline water treatment system for your needs. They are easy to transport and can be adapted to any scale. ... Read More Read Less

Saline Ground Water

Ground water can become increasingly salty as rainwater deposits of small amounts of salt build up over time, until it can no longer be safely used for crop irrigation or watering animals. The solution can be found in Moerk’s range of desalination treatment systems. Our specialist team members can guide you through the process of choosing the right system to remove saline from your ground water. ... Read More Read Less


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