August 08, 2024

The Hydrogen Safety and Hazardous Areas Conference (HSHA) is an important conference which brings together industry experts and thought leaders. The conference is run by IDC Technologies which specialize in developing conferences focused on industrial knowledge exchange. The theme of the two day HSHA conference is the safety issues inherent in the generation and storage of hydrogen.  In 2024, the conference was held in Perth, Western Australia from August 8th to 9th of August.

The two day conference included sessions on the economics of renewable hydrogen, safety issues around hydrogen vehicle refueling and an in-depth study on the explosivity/flammability of hydrogen under different conditions. Presenters came from across Australia and attendees were from the private and public sectors. The event was well attended with more than 50 attendees.

Moerk Water Solutions delivered an information session on the best technologies used to create the ultrapure water required for hydrogen electrolysers. The session also examined how to maintain ultrapure water onsite. Additionally, the Moerk Water presentation looked at the safety risks inherent with not using ultrapure water for hydrogen electrolysers.

Click here to contact Moerk Water to find out more about how water treatment is supporting the hydrogen industry. More information about the Hydrogen Safety and Hazardous Areas conference can be found here.